Thursday, March 20, 2008

A little less like Goldie Hawn...

.....and more like Angelina Jolie by midday on Tuesday. Thank you for the concern you all have shown. After you quit laughing, of course!

I'm happy to report the lips have shrunk back to their normal size, but I can empathize with the young boy in "A Christmas Story". You know, the one who sticks his tongue to the pole on the school playground in the dead of winter. I could swear that's where my bottom lip has been!

A few "Wally World" photos for your viewing pleasure:
We made it to Graceland!
Fred says he's never spent so much money to see a dead guy's stuff!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad to know that the "lips" did not interfer with the eating of the chocolate marshmellow bunnies!! Cannot wait to find out if you found a diamond in the mines. And - you know this is turkey season in LA so by the time you get to Haughton-there just could be a turkey strung up in the front yard!! Linda