Monday, October 20, 2008

Silver and Gold

Last weekend the kids had their first taekwondo tournament of the season in Ft. Worth.

Might I add, I have a brand new Canon lens that is nothing short of magic! I still have a little tweaking to do so my camera works well with it, but I am ecstatic with how most of my shots turned out. Thank you, my sweet husband for giving this lens to me as a birthday gift.

Here's Corbin rebounding from a kick to the chest guard. He went on to lose the match 6-3 but took home a silver medal. It was his first time sparring as a red belt and he was a little nervous.

Not bad for Gab's first time effort at competing in black belt forms!
What I want to know is what was wrong with the female judges
eyesight? Get a load of the extension on this leg!

She took 1st place and even she was surprised since
this was her first time competing in black belt forms.

A gold medal in sparring as well.

Fun and Frolic at Billy Bob's Texas.

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