Friday, September 12, 2008

Sheltering in Place (that's the official term)

Yesterday, after hours of hard work, sweat, consultation and "ciphering", Fred made a call to a small machine shop who drained the engine of the bad 3 year old gas and made the generator good as new!

Jonathan delivered it to us this morning and here they are testing it out and here's Fred determining just how
long his back will be out after they lift it (full of gas) off the truck!

The situation looks pretty grim for Galveston (75 miles down the road) and even though the hurricane may hit as a category 2 or 3, it's predicted this storm will rival the one that hit September 8, 1900. We've spent weekends at beach houses in West Galveston over the years and it's sad so much devastation may hit the area in less than 24 hours. The storm surge is already much greater than forecasters were predicting.

Our area looks to get a tremendous amount of rain and 90 plus mph wind and that equates to damage from flying tree limbs and any objects that are not tied down or secure. Continue to pray for my tall, beautiful palms!

For now though, life goes on as normal. Fred and the kids are headed to his office to ride the 4 wheeler and let the dogs chase the goats and wade in the pond. I'm going to wash and dry my hair in what could be the last time I do so from our bathroom if the electricity goes out. If necessary in the coming days, I will send you a photo of me using the hair dryer from the garage as it's plugged into a loud, stinky generator!

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