Thursday, September 11, 2008

Don't Like Ike!

Looks like Ike is headed in our direction.

Fred cancelled his business trip to Pittsburg and Cleveland as well as his class reunion in Indianapolis and is busy trying to get the generator to run!
Not a happy camper!

Schools, of course, are closed tomorrow. News video has the roads out of Galveston and towards San Antonio packed with crawling cars. That's the reason we decided to stay put! Neither of us looked forward to a repeat of the 12 hour car ride we had trying to escape Rita 3 years ago.

The back porch and yard are cleared of all furniture and pool paraphernalia. I think I will go out and say a prayer for all our beautiful plants and trees (especially the tall palms) so they can better sustain the 100-plus mile winds coming this way.

I'm off to the grocery store for a few needed supplies and will fight to my death for the last loaf of bread!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Will be thinking of you and hoping you are safe. By the looks of Fred- I would be picking up flashlights at the store also and not count on the generator!! Linda