Sunday, July 6, 2008

The results are in!

We returned last night from the Taekwondo Jr. Olympics in Detroit. Gabbie had a very tough division with 15 other girls. She was the youngest at 13 and the rest were 15-17 years old. Needless to say, she was VERY nervous as evidenced by this photo and I wanted to run out on the field and tell her it would be ok!
About half the girls were third degree black belts and have a few years experience and medals under those belts! Even though she lost the fight 8-5, it was an incredible showing for her first year in this division and we are very proud of her courage and athletic ability. She even got a headkick in on the girl 30 seconds into the fight which scored her 2 points. I've included the short clip below, in slow motion for your viewing pleasure! Never thought I'd get so excited about seeing my daughter kick another girl in the head!

Corbin competed in forms the same day against 21
other 10-11 year old blue belts. He's come a long way since finishing 35 out of 36 two years ago in Atlanta. I'll always remember his positive attitude when he told me, "At least I didn't finish last"! Buddy, you didn't have to worry about that this year...
Corbin and Master Kim showing off the medal!The next day he sparred in the 10-11 blue belt, 66 pounds and under division. Unfortunately he lost, but only 5-3 and has improved miles since last year!
"I learned to win by learning to lose - that means not being afraid of losing"

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